Career-minded Student with expertise in AI, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis
Career-minded Statistics Student with record of good marks in different subjects. Works hard on assignments and consistently meets objectives. Looking to experience field outside classroom and build foundational knowledge and skills.
Based in Ankara, Turkey, I specialize in machine learning, data analysis, and AI applications with a focus on real-world problem-solving.
Managed organisational operations and conducted technical research on sports.
Engineered earthquake forecast and information systems, honoured with Intel Innovation Award.
Evaluated model accuracy through precision-recall analysis to support continuous optimisation initiatives.
Gained foundational knowledge of machine learning and deep learning techniques during internship.
Gained valuable insights into banking sector during internship.
Conducted "Examining many aspects of transportation in the capital city of Türkiye - 2024" and "Coffee consumption of METU students: a synopsis of student habits, effects of coffee and coffee at campus - 2024" projects.
Earthquake forecast and information system using machine learning algorithms to predict seismic activities.
Advanced analytics platform for sports performance analysis using statistical models and data visualization.
Comprehensive analysis of transportation patterns and infrastructure in Ankara.
Developed an AI-based system for evaluating candidates using machine learning algorithms.
Conducted comprehensive research on transportation patterns and infrastructure in Ankara.
Analyzed coffee consumption patterns among university students and its effects on campus life.